The video illustrates the aspects of quality, efficiency and precision by turning the company's machinery into performers and expressing their collaboration in an impressive musical experience. The orchestra playing in time and harmony thus becomes a metaphor for the autonomous and fully automated production at sinit, which produces flawlessly at any time of day or night.
The objective was to present sinit as a state-of-the-art industrial company that uniquely combines the subjects of automation, Industry 4.0 and the highest process quality.
The music piece was composed and arranged especially for the film. All components of the music are, without exception, sounds of the machines on site and were recorded during the film production. No instruments were used for the composition.
“This movie nails it. No babbling, no grinning faces, no satisfied customers – just perfect automation and machine sounds that become the orchestra of the sound of sinit. That's only possible with a great team and a great client!”